- "Spanish Speaking Family Lesson Plan" (elementary) activity for identifying
Spanish speaking countries, their similarities and differences.
- Cultural Holidays (elementary/middle school) fun creative lesson plan to
contrast and compare different cultural holidays.
- "Baila" (middle/high school) research, learn and share knowledge of Hispanic
Culture through Latin dances.
- Spanish Language & Culture With Baleros (middle school). Kids learn about
the Spanish culture and language while they play and have fun with baleros.
- "A Tribute To Miró" (middle/high school) students learn about an Spanish
painter, his style, culture and surroundings by creating their own painting.
- "Guantanamera" (high school) listen, analyse and discuss the Spanish song
- Mexican Artists (high school) learn about Mexican revolution and 5 artists of
the time.
- Una Comida Mexicana (middle school) learn about food in Mexico.
- Hispanic Culture Lesson Plan (high school) students will make a Powerpoint
presentation of a Spanish speaking country, history, art, literature and culture.
- Mexican Day of the Dead Project (middle/high school) project guidelines for
recreating the day of the dead with the students.
- Lesson Plan Spanish Speaking Culture Christmas - La Navidad
Spanish4Teachers.org (middle/high school) a project about Christmas in Spanish
speaking countries - La Navidad -. Students should research online, answer
questions, contrast and compare and finally create a Pesebre.
- Spanish Idioms Lesson plan on how to use Spanish idioms effectively and
- Lesson Plan 'Viajemos a ESPAÑA" (high school) interesting and engaging
lesson plan in which students use the internet to take a virtual trip to Spain.
- Lesson Plan "Famosos del Mundo Hispano" (high school) great lesson plan
to learn about some famous Spanish speakers and practice nationalities and
professions. It provides all the materials needed.
- Spanish Teaching Song La Bamba: teach Spanish pronunciation, vocab and
accents with La Bamba. Includes the lesson plan, oral quiz and activities.
- Comparing Picasso and Dali Spanish research activity to compare the Spanish
- Famous Hispanics Project project to complete a biography magazine of famous
Spanish speakers. Includes handout.
This Hispanic Culture Page is divided into 3
sections, Lesson Plans, PowerPoints &
Worksheets, all containing specific resources for
teaching Hispanic Culture. Each resource is
categorized as elementary, middle or high (School).
Teachers please feel free to use these Spanish
teaching resources, but we ask that you respect the
copyright and footer information of all of them.
Hispanic Culture, Countries & Nationalities Lesson Plans & Activities:
Hispanic Culture, Countries & Nationalities PowerPoints:
Hispanic Culture,Countries & Nationalities Worksheets/Handouts
Other Hispanic Culture Resources:
- La Navidad website that talks about La Navidad and the Spanish traditions.
- La Cultura Mexicana All about the Mexican culture.
- Hispanic Culture Online online resources to study and understand the Hispanic
culture. Names, last names, Christmas, religion, food, music, dance, traditions, etc.
- Resources to Teach La Navidad (elementary/middle school) a website with
stories, books, games, drawings, sayings and more to celebrate Navidad.
- Latin Culture Resources excellent website with many different resources to
teach about the Latin - Hispanic Culture.
- A "Simple Booklet" about Chile a booklet about Chile created by Spanish
students. Good resource to learn more about Chilean culture.
- A collection of Spanish / Hispanic riddles _ Adivinanzas en español a big
collection of hispanic riddles. The answers to the riddles are in parenthesis and
written backwards.
- Spanish TV Online online Spanish TV. Soap Operas, comedies, sticoms and
- News Videos In Spanish news from Spain about the economy, the world, culture
and more. Includes videos.
- "Sueños" different clips from this TV series. Transcripts provided.
- Celebrate Hispanic Heritage biographies of 6 amazing Hispanic people. Click
on each name next to the little round picture to be taken to each biography.
- Todo tango - Carlos Gardel great website to plan a virtual field trip to the land
of Carlos Gardel and his tango.
- Spanish Language and Culture Hispanic culture resources. Interactive
explanation, exercises, pictures, activities and more.
- Todo Sobre España website with information about Spain and its culture. Cities,
regions, flamenco, food. Could also be used with the travel unit, as it gives prices
and itineraries for trips around Spain.
- Frida Kahlo Brain Pop a short video in Spanish talking about Frida Kahlo and
important fact and events surrounding her life. At the end, the video offers
comprehension activities.
- Simon Bolivar Brain Pop short brain-pop video Spanish talking about Simon
Bolivar. It offers oral comprehension activities and further research.
- Mexican Revolution Brain Pop short video in Spanish explaining the Mexican
revolution. Comprehension activities and more information and research are
- Spanish Culture Clips a collection of Hispanic culture documentary clips and
promotional videos. Clips are about Hispanic countries, food, people, festival.
- Spanish Sayings printable Spanish sayings cards (dichos).
- El Refranario insert a saying in Spanish and the tool will give you the meaning,
an example, synonyms and translations
- Culture Documentaries (Documentales culturales) a collection of complete
culture cocumentaries in Spanish.
- Documentaries in Spanish many documentaries in Spanish. Different topics.
- Cultura y Tradiciones de Puerto Rico an article in Spanish about the Puerto
Rican culture
- Day of Dead vs Halloween printable chart comparing Halloween and the Day of
the Dead (Dia de los muertos)
Spanish4Teachers Hispanich Culture, Countries & Nationalities
Excellent short Flamenco video (Spain)
Hispanic Dances:
History of the Colimbian Cumbia - Part 1
History of the Colimbian Cumbia - Part 2
History of the Argentinian Tango
Connect with us & find even more resources
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