- Mexicano Slang Podcast created by Diana Tejeda, is a free podcast series
aimed at teaching and explaining popular Mexican slang (idioms, expressions,
common phrases and more)
- Spanish Obsessed free podcasts created by the couple Liz and Rob.
Conversations in Spanish classified into 'Beginners', 'Intermediate' and 'Advanced'.
- Audiria hundreds of free Spanish practice podcasts with transcripts. They cover a
range of topics - literature, grammar, expressions, vocab and more.
- A mi aire free learn and practice Spanish podcasts for intermediate levels created
by Paloma Betrisey.
- Radio Ambulante stories, opinions, views for advanced Spanish speakers.
- Tu Traduccion Latina Latin music and culture podcasts.
- Lengalia Spanish language and culture podcasts. Recorded by native speakers
from different regions and countries. (Shame they spelled COLOMBIA with a 'U')
- En Rumbo intermediate Spanish podcasts from the Open U program. They are
free and have transcripts.
- En sintonia con el espanol free podcasts on teaching and learning Spanish, by
the Instituto Cervantes.
- Caracol Radio Colombia news and entertainment podcasts from the largest
Colombian broadcaster. Up to date and real news.
- Dimelo Caminando Latin American travel, culture, history and language podcast
created by Jamie Killen.
- AudioLingua a collection of Spanish podcasts about daily common activities
- Ver-Taal, Spanish Listening Activities many listening self-check Spanish
activtiies based on authentic material such as commercials, trailers, news.
- Profedeele Spanish Listening Comprehension online self-check activities
based on authentic videos.
- A Vueltas con ELE Listening Comprehension online listening comprehension
activities divided by level.
- LyricsTraining Game very cool online fill in the blank game. Choose the language
of the songs (top right), choose a level, then fill in the blanks in the lyrics as the
song-video plays. The song stops to allow time to write the word in the gap or if you
try to type in the incorrect word or with the incorrect spelling.
- Spanish Listening offers more than 300 short videos. Spanish speakers of
different countries speak about various topics. Includes transcript and
comprehension self tests
This Spanish Listening Comprehension page
contains specific resources for using audio
resources to create teaching materials or to
practice listening comprehension with your
Teachers please feel free to use these Spanish
teaching resources, but we ask that you
respect the copyright and footer information of
all of them.
Learn and Practice Spanish - Podcasts:
Online Interactive Listening:
Hispanic Music and Songs for Spanish Class:
Spanish4Teachers Spanish Listening Activities
Spanish Listening Comprehension Lesson Plans & Activitiies:
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